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      Benefiting the country and the people中文版 | ENGLISH

      After-sales Service For Medical Equipment Promising

      Time:2019-09-13 23:11 Click:
      Wang Baoting, president of China Institute of Drug Surveillance, pointed out that at present there is a clear gap between domestic self-owned intellectual property medical devices and other developed countries. Some high-end domestic medical device products lag behind the international advanced level by about 10 years. Especially in after-sales service, most of domestic-made medical equipment business ideas still remain in the expansion of production and sales, the lack of after-sales service management. Manufacturers do not attach importance to the maintenance team construction, the machine can not be repaired in time. The multinational equipment business products most of the after-sales service well in place.

      Hotline:0716-8800068    Email:info@yihaim.com   Address:No. 8 Shenzhen Avenue, Jingzhou Development Zone.
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